This year just like every year thousands of children in poverty will wake up to a Christmas without presents.

Over the last few years that Radio Aire have been running Radio Aire Cash for Kids, we here at Buttercup Lane Childminders have purchased extra Christmas presents and denoted them to the appeal. This year we have asked all our parents to buy just one extra present. A gift that we’ll take to Radio Aire who will give them to disadvantaged children to make their Christmas morning that little bit brighter.

Radio Aire’s Mission Christmas is looking for new and unwrapped gifts suitable for children and young people aged 0 to 18 years.

They are also excepting cash donations at various locations and shopping centres throughout Leeds. If you cant help – please do so and hopefully make someone’s Christmas that little bit extra special.

Buttercup Lane Childminders have also arranged for our extra special quest to help deliver our extra large box of presents to the Radio Aire studio’s and its our intention to try and get him mentioned on the radio. At some point in the next 2 weeks (work permitting) @LeedsTed will be making another appearance at East Ardsley Childminders and he will help us make Leeds a more Child Friendly place this Christmas. Its a sad thought to think that some children will be waking up this christmas and not have the luxury of opening one single present. Radio Aire’s Mission Christmas & Buttercup Lane Childminders contribution from our customers will help bring smiles to a number of children.

Make the difference – In January 2014 Child Friendly Leeds will be celebrating what’s best about Leeds for children and young people.
The first child friendly Leeds awards will take place at the City Varieties on 30 January and will celebrate the people, places and organisations that make a big difference to children’s lives in Leeds.
There will be awards in four categories:

Best place in Leeds for children and young people

Children’s champion

Looking after children and young people in Leeds

Best overall contribution to child friendly Leeds

Now is your chance to have your say. In the city were we live. You can make nomination(s) in any categories listed above online, for more information and details of how to nominate.

We’re all working to make Leeds to be the best place for children and young people to grow up

Making Leeds a child friendly city

child friendly leeds

We are also very pleased to announce another new arrival at Buttercup Lane – we welcome Annabelle to our extended family.

Happy belated birthday to Jack.

Everyone here at Buttercup Lane childminders wished Jack a very happy birthday and his birthday cake was just scrummy yummy chocolate cake.

We are so sorry your birthday wishes are late we had a few technical issues.

This morning Karl visited Westerton Primary school with Jemma Stevens and delivered a Child Friendly Leeds presentation in Key Stage 2 assembly.

Although we were nervous, we delivered a confident, positive, educational, informative speech that was very thought provoking. All the children and staff were both
appreciative and impressed.

We must also mention that Sophie and Mollie delivered their sections clearly and precise and they were just terrific.

Due to our research and material that we were delivering we were sure to have a very captive audience and  it must be said that the children paid attention throughout the presentation, they listened and interacted with a great willingness, it showed that they had an interest as the subject matter meant something to them all.

CFL & Childminders in East Ardsley

Child Friendly Leeds Presentation to Westerton Primary School by Buttercup Lane Childminders very own Karl Stead & Jemma Stevens,  Sophie & Molly


Our presentation was met with such positivity that Westerton Primary have added the presentation to their website, follow this link to see it. If you want to get involved in Child Friendly Leeds use the detail on the final page of the presentation or see the LINKS on the right or get intouch with us here at Buttercup Lane and we will gladly point you in the right direction.

Buttercup Lane Childminders would like to thank the entire school at Westerton, Mrs Makin and her team work wonders and all the pupils are a credit to themselves, their parents and the community.

This morning Karl visited Westerton Primary school with Jemma Stevens and delivered a Child Friendly Leeds presentation in Key Stage 2 assembly.

Although we were nervous, we delivered a confident, positive, educational, informative speech that was very thought provoking. All the children and staff were both
appreciative and impressed.

We must also mention that Sophie and Mollie delivered their sections clearly and precise and they were just terrific.

Due to our research and material that we were delivering we were sure to have a very captive audience and it must be said that the children paid attention throughout the presentation, they listened and interacted with a great willingness, it showed that they had an interest as the subject matter meant something to them all.

Our presentation was met with such positivity that Westerton Primary have added the presentation to their website, follow this link to see it. If you want to get involved in Child Friendly Leeds use the detail on the final page of the presentation or see the LINKS on the right or get intouch with us here at Buttercup Lane and we will gladly point you in the right direction.

Buttercup Lane Childminders would like to thank the entire school at Westerton, Mrs Makin and her team work wonders and all the pupils are a credit to themselves, their parents and the community.

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Its great that its your birthday
its great you shared it too
its great that we’re your Childminders
and we can celebrate with you

A wish for lots of birthday fun.
To last until the day is done.
Hoping that all your wishes comes true,
and your birthday cake is as sweet as you two !

Hurry it’s a special day.
Giddy up and play all day.
Eating ice cream and chocolate cake.
It’s your birthday’s, let’s celebrate!

Happy Birthday Aaron and Tamzin from all your friends at Buttercup Lane Childminders xxx

Its cold. Well the Wind makes it really cold. Today Buttercup Lane Childminders have been to the park again. Picking some more conkers and acorns.
We then went for a run through the leaves on the ground.

Come on Get involved ! We Buttercup Lane Childminders have fully pledged our support and joined “we are child friendly leeds”
We already know that Leeds is the best city in the UK – but we want to make Leeds “the best child friendly city in the UK”.
Leeds…A child friendly city where all children are valued, supported, enjoy growing up and look forward to a brighter future!
Our City is putting young people first.

Leeds City Council have listened to thousands of young voices to find our what is important to the younng people of Leeds and they have
come up with a TOP 12 wish list they feel will make Leeds a child friendly city.

To find out more about The 12 Wishes and child friendly leeds follow the links.

Did you know that the United Nations have a Convention on the Rights of the Child – As childminders in the community understanding and applying these rights are paramount to supporting each child in our care. Every single Right listed in the convention is supported by child friendly leeds but as childminders there are a number that stand out
Right 3. All who work with children should work towards what is best for the child.
Right 12. Children have a right to an opinion in adult decisions which affect them, their opinion should be taken seriously.
Right 23. Children with a disability should get special care and support so they can lead full and indepentent lives.
Right 28. Children have the right to an education.
Right 31. Children have the right to play.

We wonder how many people know Right 42. The government should make the convention known to all adults, children and young people.

If you want to find out how we adopt all the practices into our home and setting here at Buttercup Lane Childminders speak to either Karl or Lia.
If you want to find out more detail about child friendly leeds follow the link above or call 0113 395 0247

Making Leeds a child friendly city

child friendly leeds